
Yoga Asanas to Build Your Core

  • STANDING FORWARD FOLD- 4 sets (20-25-30-35)
  • Plow pose- 4 sets (15-15-20-20)
  • Boat pose- 4 sets (20-25-30-35)
  • Leg raise 90 degree – 4 sets(15-15-20-25)
  • Plank – 4 sets (30 sec- 45 sec- 60 sec-90 sec)
  • Fish pose- 4 sets (15-15-20-20)
  • Bridge pose- 4 sets (20-25-30-35)

Include these yoga poses in your workout routine daily along with a diet plan to achieve your goal. Your diet plays a major role in your transformation. Try to Consume lean protein and minimum or complex carbohydrates for best results. Stay away from dairy, fat, and sweets.

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