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Forget Traditional Cardio, Try This Workout To Burn More Calories!!!

If you are bored with your current workout doing regular cardio or aerobics classes, Kickboxing could be the breath of fresh air you need…

Many people don’t like to do exercise as it is often boring. It is very helpful to switch your training program after few months. If you are doing a regular cardio or bored by regular routine workout and not getting proper results or not having weight loss then try something new this month. Now you don’t need to run like a hamster on a treadmill. Kick boxing now a day is a trend and used by many celebrities for workout. It is one of my favorites because it helps you burn calories and whip you into better physical shape. While running or cycling improve your stamina and Endurance, kickboxing is a complete package for strength, stamina, agility, endurance, power and flexibility.

You don’t need to learn professional Training but only simple fitness kickboxing to carry a workout and it is one of the most time effective workouts you can do, training your upper and lower body and core strength. It is popular as an exercise for weight loss and it also helps you burn a lot, all while having fun while you do it. It’s also a fantastic way of staying in shape overall and getting toned body. It burns fat and calories faster than any other cardio exercise. This is a great cardio workout that can help you improve yourself defense skills as well. By doing kickboxing, you burn 357 calories within 30 minutes more than by doing jogging or cycling.

Kickboxing offers a whole range of different workouts and equipment to play with. A speedball, which is smaller than a regular boxing bag, can be used to practice quick punches.  Do this under the guidance of a trainer or expert as there are chances of injuries. So, if you still thinking about giving a try to kickboxing. Do it. Start by learning few punches,kicks and drills. I learnt it and it’s quite exciting and now I practice that at my home. I have some equipments at home like-

  • Punch bag,
  • boxing gloves,
  • punch wrap,
  • resistance band,
  • wrist and ankle weight,
  • medicine ball etc

Here is some points you should be careful of-

  • Do 10-15 minutes of warm up before training to avoid injuries.
  • Perform kickboxing 2-3 days in a week , not daily. Your body needs rest for recovery because it’s high intensity training.
  • Cool down for 10-15 minutes after session by stretching your body.
  • Drink water during and after training.

If you want to ask anything regarding Training, please write in comment box.

Thank you !

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