Fashion & Lifestyle

Embracing Self-Care: A Path to Happiness and Wellness

I always used to think before expecting things from others I myself do it. In my own life, self-care has given me happiness, stability and a deeper connection with myself. It makes me happy and seriously refuels my energy throughout the day. When things are stressful, you may put yourself last. Take care of yourself by making yourself a priority. You can’t help others and make your daily routine enjoyable unless you’re healthy enough to do so.

SLEEP – Nowadays people don’t sleep properly and neglect it but it plays an important role in making us realize how we feel, physically and mentally. I know that if I don’t sleep properly, I just can’t function properly the next day and even I start my day late missing all the important work and classes. So please tale a good sleep and stop thinking in the night.

PAMPERING MYSELF – I try to do this most days because it leaves me feeling fresh and ready for the day. I love to look perfect all the time with all my collection of dresses and at the same time I take care of my skin a lot. I drink coconut virgin oil every morning for that glow and keep applying homemade packs on my skin. I always make sure to massage my face with oil every night to keep it free from aging. Nowadays I am in love with Korean products so I love using them but the very first go to thing in my routine is rose water and rice toner.

MOVING MY BODY – I have always loved yoga, Pilates and Aerial. And to be honest I never liked weight training. I like to do cardio and leg workouts and I can do that every day. And if I am not exercising I feel depressed and my mental health diminishes. I therefore love my routine of waking up in the morning, going and taking classes and doing my workout as well. I see nowadays people workout only to lose weight but I see exercise – as a way to take care of my physical and mental health, as opposed to losing weight, or reaching an unattainable goal.

SOMETHING TO CHEER U UP – And my cheer up remedy is my Instagram first thing every morning which makes me happy where I spend my first 15 minutes after I pray. And then comes my smiling face selfie which is a positive note for others to start a day. That’s my ritual. I can’t start my day without it. After that music which is a must I listen to one song everyday which is close to my heart and then sometimes books cheer me up and someone’s smile makes my day.

BREATHE – It’s very important to breathe and remove all the toxins out from your body and meditate every day. Breathing and taking that time out for me and my brain is very important as I overthink a lot and I know people like me do so I suggest everyone to breathe and meditate and include pranayama in your daily life to be free from diseases.

TALKING ABOUT IT – As humans, we like to do this thing where we pretend that we’re OK. We don’t tell people when we’re feeling crap not feeling good. We deal with lots of anxiety so I from my personal experience want that you shan’t be afraid to Communicate how you feel, talk to people and reach out to people in your life who are there for you and talk to them what is that u don’t like or what u feel bad.

PRAY – My everyday morning ritual is my prayer and say- “AAJ KA DIN AAPNE JEENE KE LIYE DIYA USKE LIYE AAP KA DHANYAWAD. AAJ KE DIN MUJHE AISI KOI SAMASHYA MAT DENA JISKA MEIN SAMADHAN NA KAR SAKU AUR AAPKA NAAM BHOOL JAU AUR MERI JODI BANAYE RAKHNA” And then I open my phone and kiss my gallery and start my day with a big smile.

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