Health & Fitness

What To Do For Weight Loss? Exercise Or Diet.

YOU CAN’T SIMPLY LOSE WEIGHT ON YOUR PREFERENCES. Being healthy is simple, right? “Eat less, Exercise more.” That’s easy to say, but what is more important when it comes to health and fitness? Diet or exercise? Yes, (DIET) we should all eat healthier. Yes, (EXERCISE) we should exercise every day. There are infinite things we could do …

Health & Fitness

You should know these things about soaked Almonds before eating!!!

The Method of Soaking Almonds:- Immerse a handful of almonds in ½ cup of water. Cover it and let it soak for at least eight hours. Drain the water and remove the skin and store the almonds in plastic container. In this way, the soaked almonds can last for a week. I have started this …

Health & Fitness


It provides fuel to the body means ‘Breaking the Fast’ What If you have breakfast daily – Gives energy and nutrients. Helps maintaining healthy weight. You feel good and don’t feel hungry. If breakfast is not taken, body doesn’t process next meal as quickly as it does the first one. Remember – Eat Healthy! Eat something …

Fashion & Lifestyle Health & Fitness

Adopt a Healthy Lifestyle with This Morning Move

Now a day it is very important to remain fit to look beautiful. Keep your workout session in routine. Never miss it and make an excuse. It’s a great workout. I personally love it a lot. Cycling is best workout for everyone, for all age groups. Cycling helps in weight loss as it burns more …

Fashion & Lifestyle Health & Fitness

Forget Traditional Cardio, Try This Workout To Burn More Calories!!!

If you are bored with your current workout doing regular cardio or aerobics classes, Kickboxing could be the breath of fresh air you need… Many people don’t like to do exercise as it is often boring. It is very helpful to switch your training program after few months. If you are doing a regular cardio …