Fashion & Lifestyle Health & Fitness

How do I keep myself fit, happy and young?

1. Turmeric Works Wonders – We all know turmeric to be one of the most effective skin care solutions from nature. Turmeric is known to have curcumin, which is a compound known for its antioxidant and anti – inflammatory properties. Other than this, it’s also known to have collagen producing properties, which makes it a great solution when you’re looking to reduce the signs of ageing. So I drink that every night after my dinner which keeps me young.

2. Your Diet Is Another Way – I also cheat at times but whenever I am on a diet , I make sure I follow it 100%.You are what you eat, and your skin is the best reflection of that. Having a healthy diet is a great way to ensure that your skin gets the proper nutrients not only to keep it growing, but also to repair any damage that may have occurred to it.I eat everything in my diet – I also eat chapati and rice.Just remember things that you should be including in your diet are fiber rich foods like veggies etc. Things like fresh fruits and vegetables also keep your skin spotless and bright.

3. Exercise ofcourse – Not only is exercise great for your body, but also keeps your skin fresh and rejuvenated.Keeping a healthy exercise routine ensures that this process is done regularly, thereby ensuring that you don’t have to worry about constantly cleaning your skin.I make sure I exercise everyday for atleast half an hour.

4. Water – I make sure I drink a minimum of 15 glasses of water daily. As soon as i get up I make sure that I should finish two glasses of water with half teaspoon cumin but i drink chilled water in the morning.If you don’t like drinking plain water, try a fruit infusion. You can use different fruits, such as Strawberries, Lemons and Apples,oranges etc which all add flavour without any nasty ingredients. Plus, the vitamins and antioxidants from these fruits are brilliant for your skin too.

5. I indulge in Massages – I make sure to pamper my body with oils that are natural like sesame oil.I also apply my homemade body toning packs of methi and coffee to get rid of cellulite and make sure of doing dry brushing.

6. Books – I keep myself happy by reading books that interest me.

7.The Magic Of Aloe Vera and Multani mitti – Most of us know aloe vera to be one of the best things to ever happen to the world of skin care. If you’re looking to keep your skin naturally healthy, then this is something that you definitely should have in your home.Applying the gel from the aloe vera leaves can help clear your skin of impurities and rejuvenate your skin, healing it from the damage it faces daily.Another I apply Multani mitti two times in week for natural glow.

8.Rose Water – I make sure to carry KAMA rosewater with me wherever I go to protect my skin.

9.Sleep More To Glow More – I am not saying get lazy, I am just saying get enough sleep every night. Having dark circles under your eyes is not cute. I make sure I sleep by 11 pm and get up before 5 am.

10.Get Your Nails Done – Doing little things like getting your nails done can make a huge difference if you want to look beautiful every day. It would definitely be too expensive to get a manicure and pedicure weekly especially if your goal is to look beautiful daily. But you can do it yourself too.

11. Wear Clothes That Accentuate Your Features – In order to look good, you need to wear clothing that makes you look and feel great.You can literally go from looking drab to looking fab in a minute just wearing clothes that accentuate your features. I make sure to look perfect every time.

12. Avoid eating too much sugar – A sweet treat can wreak havoc on your waistline and on your skin. That’s because sugar can make your skin age prematurely. In fact, foods that contain a high glycemic index (white carbohydrates and sugary snacks) result in an increased production of cortisol – a reaction that weakens collagen production.I don’t take sugar in my routine. I don’t even take it in the form of honey or jaggery either.

13. Get your antioxidants – Antioxidants work against the natural aging process, which is why they’ve always been the first choice for skin care. I try to drink two cups of green tea per day, preferably matcha tea as it contains about ten times as many antioxidants as regularly brewed green tea.

14. Detox – Unfortunately, if you experience troubles with your digestion or the detoxification process of your liver and kidneys it’s written all over your face. To avoid unpleasant surprises, make sure to drink enough water, avoid sugar and include more fiber in your diet. Probiotics can be helpful as I make sure to detox everytime I cheat to maintain myself and to keep that glow.

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