Health & Fitness



  • I wash my face with a Mild cleanser
  • I apply coconut oil mix with almond oil around my eyes and a good amount of Aloe Vera on my face and Body shop lip butter on my lips
  • I wash my feet with Epsom salt and apply Vaseline.
  • Brush my teeth

COLLAGEN – I take 2 scoops of collagen with water for my skin and later on Matcha hot green tea which also has lots of skin benefits. It’s a good antioxidant and then takes my ABSOLUTE NUTRITION FISH OIL tablet.

Reading actual books – I started reading physical books before bed. There is something powerful about reading a chapter before bed and getting away from screens. I try to put my phone on silent mode as soon as I walk into the bedroom. Some people say not to read in the bedroom or to never read before bed, but I honestly don’t see a problem with it – if it makes you fall asleep & you wake up feeling well-rested, then who cares? Crawl into bed 20-30 minutes before you want to have the lights out and start reading your book. If you’re like me, you’ll start to doze off & end up having such a peaceful sleep! I do Chant Hanuman Chalisa also.

Thinking a happy thought – I used to have a super bad habit of going to bed spiraling while thinking about all the things I didn’t get done or need to do the next day. Before bed, I spend my last few waking minutes thinking about something happy like some new yoga poses I want to teach my clients, what kind of breakfast I should have next Morning.

I don’t take any calls in the night as that disturbs my routine; I only take calls in the night of my family, my Crime partner and my yoga partner.

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